Monday, October 8, 2012

Field Trip: Imbabuela Downhill

To drop 1,000m from 3,500m of páramo to 2,500m at Otavalo, I took a camioneta (truck-taxi) 500m up to 3,000m where I started climbing to the trailhead (above) at 3,500m.    
Clouds over Volcán Fuya Fuya
Bromeliad city
Mmm -- singletrack at last!  A little sloppy and ripped up by motocross bikes, but pretty sweet nonetheless.
Into the clouds

Wishing for some Pam (tm) cooking spray  here, but the lower I got, the drier it was.
Abandoned shepard's shack in a clearing -- looking back up, I've dropped out of the cloud zone.
a well worn trail

Volcán Cotacachi emerging a low cloud deck
Newly "tilled" fields -- almost all is done by hand.  Note the field in the center where it is  actually too steep to turn the soil over, pretty much vertical
Volcan Imbabura in the clouds behind, Lago San Pablo to the right (town and lake), and to the left you can see the edge of Otavalo -- good vantage for seeing the city.  The shot below is slightly left (west-ish) of the shot above, with all of Otavalo in view.


  1. absolutely awesome ride, especially given the altitude, 3500m = 11482 feet! Yikes! How is your breathing after a ride like that at altitude? But I guess you must be adjusting after a few months. Thanks for the spectacular pictures. Best

  2. Thanks again, Jordan ...and happy belated birthday!

