As per request, here are some photos of our home. We live in a little casita behind our landlords' house -- they live in the front. Our family and William's nephew's family (husband, wife, 3 yo and newborn) live in houses (casitas) behind the bigger house. William (many, many Ecuadorians have "American" sounding names, don't be fooled) is a yogi and painter, among other things -- thus the decor is easy to spot in the neighborhood. You might also notice that the front gate (metal, but painted to look like wood) is also open. EVERY house has a gate, and no car is ever left on the street at night. An interesting paradox (which was common in Costa Rica as well): our neighborhood is super tranquilo (cool) and very safe, full of many nice families (many of whom are indigenous, "traditionals") -- but anything left out after dark is as good as stolen.
I hate to make that the last word, so I'll say that we really love living here (though we all miss VT very much) -- we are a 20 minute walk from the bustling city center, and another 20 minute walk (more with kids!) to a park with a waterfall. There is not much distinction here between rural and urban -- another post for another time. Enjoy!
Also, our address, should anyone want to drop a line:
382 Luis Alberto Suarez
Cd. Rumiñahui
Otavalo, Ecuador 100450
Thanks Kerry and Justin for the picture of the house inside and out. Lovely. Lula is a local dog?
Yes, Lula is our landlords dog. She lives in the courtyard between our houses.